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Kenan Yasin Bölükbaşı

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Her türlü sorunuz için asistanımızı arayabilirsiniz.

Bilgi ve Kayıt: 0533 816 56 88


***English Below***

Horary Astroloji çok eski kullanılan bir branştır. Horary anın kalitesinden, zamanın gücünden faydalanılarak oluşturulan astroloji haritalarına dayanır. Gelişimi ise İngiltere’de gerçekleşmiştir. Özellikle İngiliz Kraliyet Donanmalarına ait gemilerin gideceği rotadaki limanlara ulaşabildiği ile ilgili horolojistlerin hesapladıkları matematik bilgisi ile gelişmiş ve tüm batı dünyasına yayılmıştır.

Soru Astrolojisinin birçok ekolü vardır. İşin sırrı ise bu bilgileri öğrenmek değil, uygulamak, tecrübe etmek ve sentezlemektir. O nedenle sizler için Horary Kursumuzu taçlandıran çok önemli bir isimle tanıştırmak istiyorum.

Sharon Knight. Kedisi 25 yılı aşkın süredir astrolojiye hizmet eden, yaşam boyu astroloji ödülleri alan ve tradisyonel astrolojinin çağımızdaki son uygulayıcılarından olan yaşayan bir kütüphanedir. Benim de üyesi olduğum APAI organizasyonunun başkanlığını yürütmektedir. (Association of Professional Astrologers International)

Eğitimi tamamladığımızda, "anın kalitesini" kullanarak kritik ve hayatı öneme sahip soruları nasıl yanıtlayacağınızı kavrayacağız. Sharon Knight ise bize önemli püf noktalardan bahsedecek. İpuçlarını ve kendi geliştirdiği teknikleri sunacak. Sunumu İngilizce olacağı için çevirmenimiz eşliğinde simultane (ardıl) tercüme ile ilerleyeceğiz.

Bilgi ve Kayıt:

Whatsapp: +(90) 533 816 56 88



What is Horary Astrology?

Horary Astrology is a very old used branch. Horary is based on astrology charts created by using the quality of the hour and the power of time. The horary technique has been developed in the UK. Especially by William Lilly, who lived in the 17th century England.

The tecnique developed with the mathematical knowledge calculated by the horologists regarding the fact that the ships belonging to the British Royal Navy could reach the ports (Riga, Tortuga etc.) on their destination and then spread to the whole western world.

And today, there are so many branches of Horary Astrology. The secret is not to learn this information, but to apply, experience and synthesize it. Therefore, I would like to introduce you to a very important name crowning our Horary Course.

Sharon Knight. She is a qualified, practising professional astrologer with over 25 years experience. She hold the Certificate and Intermediate Diploma from the Faculty of Astrology and the Horary Practitioners Diploma (QHP).


Whatsapp: +(90) 533 816 56 88


Meet your Instructor:

Kenan Yasin Bölükbaşı as a Professional astrologer, live in Turkey, Founder of the Experimental Astrology Academy. He is the author of the book which name is “Step up your chart”  Change your destiny with Astrology.

He received the title of ISAR Cap, which has become an international astrologer by successfully completing the ISAR Consulting Skills Training, ISAR Ethical Awareness Training and the ISAR Competency Exam in the international platform (International Society for Astrological Resarch)

When you complete the training…

By the end of this course, you'll understand how to answer important and specific questions using "of the hour" charts.


I am astonished ...

We found a lost dog.

How did it happen?

A friend's best friend, his dog, was lost. He asked a question at that moment. "Where's my dog?" Based on this question, I opened the Horary chart at that moment.


• The dog is in good health

• It may be at the water's edge where children play

• It seemed to be found within 7 days.

I presented these predictions and had a deep wait for those 7 days.

The result was that our missing friend, dog Hera met the owner ...


The technique of horary astrology works tremendously. The chart, which I opened with a question about the importance of that moment, also answers all other questions that confuse our minds on that subject.

Things become magical when you prepare the question correctly and calculate the quality of the moment you ask.

The trick is to ask the right questions.

Let's learn the basics and important techniques of Horary astrology together.


Whatsapp: +90 533 816 56 88


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